Block Hash | 6a373bf1d1490c50d15f916b3fda6956 |
Transaction Hash | 2826b964ccad21e6f5b765293ad83f1c |
Account Address | 0xc96e2952028fa319e267ff25efb007964cebcac7 |
Public Key | 10e56c01ed2d747a7e7055d375172a98c38e8dd2a318ccb53209ac77095e86ed |
Private Key | af5bbb6b2657bfa633469ff8f81aae235633a2d065ef2894903f8da4558b0cbd |
Digital Signature | 278f8f1847d9478be4d9c4ce7ccc3c873b64e324073a633a7baf06439c20df05 |
Parcel Number | 2814360335353592 |
Land Description | Size: 1 acre, Address: 123 Main St, County: Sample County, Location: Sample Location, Village: Sample Village |
Title Deed Number | 35353592 |
Document Hash | 247b7b6fd230caca4b445e5f85a63393 |
Smart Contract Address | 0x053030919bdc3f21a82be978b4a6826a79322e17 |
Token Symbol | 14B360 |
Token Name | Token 9 |
Token ID | c3ae619a8bf84165caab |
User ID | 35353592 |
Asset ID | 23 |
Organization Name | ORG8707 |
Location Coordinates | -83,128 |
Notary Signature | fedba51407b27ec46d392e715a72a0c3 |
Certificate of Authenticity | 84c11a1962de41c0fc4c7b6c8739928f |
Timestamp | 2024-08-18 12:03:25 |
Metadata Hash | a69dcb02ac5134618e50984aa72e6e35 |
Proof of Ownership | f6619e2e9ddbb7fc7b16b1c07eb4d816 |
Transaction ID | 042cdd4e923754e17fc44a092613f8f1 |
Document Reference Number | 4569e90f9c47d8ee3f3119fea4578c27 |
Certificate Serial Number | ee8c13efe9617a512b8b |
Legal Description | This is a legal description of the property located at the specified address, encompassing all rights and interests. |
Survey Data | Survey completed on 2024-08-17, indicating boundaries and dimensions. |
Geographic Coordinates | 12,-70 |
Document Identifier | 0 |