Block Hash | 35caeb1e55babe9933a8e9bb4e416402 |
Transaction Hash | 1f24512dbd047f016d5845beeb4bc21b |
Account Address | 0x97d12f52de5f984c27a3cd32b6f01b6c3fdda66f |
Public Key | 4cb439b959fde0eb4f557ce77aa723508d282a3d0210877962bb35942279b159 |
Private Key | 5593574d5e55ad7fe41368b8cad4c7299551610e9fd67fb06b2b95547eff3d4a |
Digital Signature | e962bc0f2544b2f4e9567f09ec67456b2982faaf38dd0077381121b1e381b526 |
Parcel Number | 57544563894396 |
Land Description | Size: 1 acre, Address: 123 Main St, County: Sample County, Location: Sample Location, Village: Sample Village |
Title Deed Number | 894396 |
Document Hash | 15687d3f7290e0b01060912d30b2f1ea |
Smart Contract Address | 0x88783e9d27ceab8a7529b0753fd13c646572aa58 |
Token Symbol | 581A91 |
Token Name | Token 55 |
Token ID | 5b7bec665e6c850acf43 |
User ID | 894396 |
Asset ID | 92 |
Organization Name | ORG6880 |
Location Coordinates | 71,-11 |
Notary Signature | fc2b2e3463fe2d9dc841f9197c21d864 |
Certificate of Authenticity | 647d7289e5fa10719476b8cb7639bd86 |
Timestamp | 2024-08-18 12:03:27 |
Metadata Hash | a780f7df6cbb98b5a6ae6276b9436414 |
Proof of Ownership | e6b6f6731402eb11a8db57246a0572a4 |
Transaction ID | b205d199d576f6f30464473b102980c8 |
Document Reference Number | 36ce78a78cbf620d0c2d3c38d8d575c3 |
Certificate Serial Number | fef0c048526f6449f03b |
Legal Description | This is a legal description of the property located at the specified address, encompassing all rights and interests. |
Survey Data | Survey completed on 2024-08-17, indicating boundaries and dimensions. |
Geographic Coordinates | 4,23 |
Document Identifier | 0 |